3601 East West Highway, Hyattsville

Comprehensive care for your overall wellness.

You deserve a healthy, beautiful smile - the team at Neibauer Dental Care - Hyattsville provides personalized care solutions to help you get the smile you've always wanted.
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3601 East West Highway, Hyattsville

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3601 East West Highway
Suite A2
Hyattsville, MD 20782
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New Patient

Your First Visit
Finding a new dental office can often be a challenge. We are here to help. Learn more about what to expect from your first visit to our dental office.
What to expect
Ngocbich L. Florentino, DDS
Ngocbich L. Florentino, DDS
Dr. Florentino is an active member of the Academy of General Dentistry. She is also the Clinical Director of the Special Olympics. Dr. Florentino was born and raised in Vietn...
Kyle Li, DDS
Kyle Li, DDS
"We are committed to providing quality, compassionate care, and will take the time to understand your unique needs to help you accomplish your dental care goals."

Quality, comfortable care.

Whether you need preventative care or want to correct your smile with cosmetic dentistry services, we are here to help you achieve your smile goals.

Preventative Oral Health

Preventative dental care helps maintain good oral health and can help prevent many oral conditions from developing.

Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry can repair and restore your smile, leaving you with a smile you love.

Dental Problems

If you are experiencing dental problems or pain, please call our office immediately. For true medical emergencies, please call 911.